
Bowflex EX – Display | PR1000 Home Gym


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If you are on a budget but looking for a total body workout, the Bowflex PR1000 is your ideal home gym. With over 30 strength exercises and a built-in rowing station for a calorie blasting workout, the PR1000 is a great way to begin your training routine. Folds for easy storage

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  • Over 30 exercises to work out your entire body in one compact unit.
  • Power Rod units give you resistance, or weight, that feels as good as or better than free weights but without the inertia or risk of joint pain.
  • 210 lbs of resistance.
  • Sliding seat rail adds aerobic rowing training for calories burning, cardiovascular warm up and cool down.
  • Multi-use hand grip/ankle cuffs are designed to add flexibility and performance to any workout.
  • 4 inch upholstered roller cushions make for comfortable leg extensions and leg curls.
  • Product Dimensions (L x W x H): 84” x 38” x 81”

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